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Here is everything you need to know to become (or renew) a Cup event


To become or renew a Cup event, you can sign-up online or download and complete the form.


To start a new event, contact the Rocky Mountain BBQ Association President to help get started.


Here is a an overview of the benefits and what it takes to put on a Cup event (Cup Overview).


Cup organizer's should use the RMBBQA Judges' Liaison Program (JLP) automated judge sign-up feature when they register their event.  JLP  


Check out our current Cup event list.


Click here for information on how to become a KCBS event.


Need a Cup event invoice? Contact the Treasurer.



Here is everything you need to know to become (or renew) a Backyard event

To become or renew a Backyard event, you can sign-up online or you can sign-up by downloading and complete the application form. Backyard Application and Agreement 2023

Contact Kim Purdy or Debbie Scott by emailing, to help get your Backyard event started.

RMBBQA Back Yard Rules and Regulations.        Backyard Rules 2023   

Check out our current Backyard event list.