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BBQ - General Discussion & Information

BBQ Class
Debbie Scott
The 2018 RMBBQA BOD, in an effort to do more to promote BBQ as a traditional form of cooking, is excited to announce a new event. We are offering our full support to Brett Osborne, Tammy Corkill and Matt Heath on a new type of BBQ class.

They will be having a class in March for noncompetitive bbq enthusiasts, that are novice. The participants will be shown the pros and cons of various smokers, how to choose the best meat to BBQ and the basics on how to cook good BBQ. As a ...benefit of the class each participant will be provided a one year membership to RMBBQA. The Purdy's will be bringing new member RMBBQA garb to the class and welcoming them to our association. In the future we are hoping it will spark someone's love for BBQ and maybe competition cooking or judging. And maybe even more classes like this one. But in the least we will be beginning to live up to the mission statement of RMBBQA and promoting the sport we all love of BBQing.

Kim Purdy
RMBBQA President
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